
self care.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

self care.

I feel it gets ever more important the older you get, don't get me wrong- I'm only pushing 30 - but I swear L.A. adds 10 years to your life- time is valuable and you have to pick and choose where you spend it.

It's taken me a bit to get adjusted in this city, I don't partake in those regular activities that were part of the fabric of my Birmingham life: hosting potlucks, volunteering and service boards, working out over lunch, morning breath-work, studio time, craft nights, making bread etc. etc.

I was determined to just pick up my life in the south and plop it smack dab in L.A. - well lest just say nope to that! I know these things can and will be accomplished - but honestly the only thing I want after a long day is a glass of wine, home-cooked meal and my hammock.

This post isn't to complain about me still adjusting to L.A. - it's to the sliver of self care that has become essential and empowering in this cray life.

So here's to reflecting on the good, the grand and the adventurous. In no particular order.

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