

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Passed I have the season of giving, after wrapping up last minute presents and holiday cheer I decided it was time to purchase a new year's gift to myself.

I have been saving,debating, and confusing myself for too long with when, what, and how I will be purchasing a new camera. Quite the impulse buyer, I finally did it. After a short reassurance with my friend Rachael (thanks Rach), I was convinced the Nikon D3100 would suit quite nicely. Plus my good friend Emma just got the exact same for Christmas... so maybe a bit of jealousy? Jokes.

All night I have been taking random photos of my house, fingers and toes,poor crippled Christmas tree and crafts to try and figure out a few of the settings gadgets and gizmos... so look forward to PLENTY more beautiful posts with my snazzy new camera:)

I hope everyone is having a splendid new year!


source camera case
source camera strap


  1. loveeeee it!! you have already surpassed me in decorative additives. so cute. let's have a camera party one night and figure this sucker out together! : ) - emma

  2. So jealous! I do LOVE the strap too -- beautiful!

  3. Oh gosh, the camera case and strap are absolutely gorgeous! I'll be hitting up Etsy for sure if I need either of these things any time soon. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures you take with your new camera.

    Hi from a new follower, by the way. :)

  4. I'm so jealous!! i want one too! it's either the canon or nikon- not sure! I love teh camera strap you got! very nice x enjoy

  5. Yay for you!! That camera strap is to die for. So cute. I really hope you're having fun with your new camera! x

  6. no worries... i will have PLENTY of pictures to share:) and yes the camera case is pretty incredible. tank goodness for ETSY!!

  7. ooo awesome, that is a great purchase and the strap is perfect!


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