Lets be honest , art repeats itself. If you try and tell me that all your artwork is original, then your just being silly and naive. You drew inspiration from someone, something, one moment, a thought, or a passing person with bright blue shoes. It does not matter really, where or how you found it, all that matters is the satisfaction in creating it.
To me, everyone is an artist, whether you abuse this right, or simply don't acknowledge that its true, i wish and hope to believe that everyone strives for a meaning in their lives. it can be as simple as doting your I's with hearts, or wearing the color purple three days in a row, you are expressing yourself in a way that influences emotions and senses.
Have you ever looked up the definition of art? Well, I will share it for you here.
Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging symbolic elements in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions and intellect. (thank you wikipedia)
I often tell many of my friends that art is my religion. This is a bit broad, and a great excuse to get out of a long Jesus/religion debacle, but in a sense it is very true. I have a faith in art. Just like others have faith in their religion.
I compare emotions, people, instances, imaginations, circumstance and morals in relation to art.
Reading this you might be lost, somehow it makes sense to me. Making judgments of value requires a basis for criticism right? Whether you are classifying someone as being an artists or a christian, the criteria to be considered as such is completely relative, and in most instances your own personal judgment.
a penny for your thoughts?So relax, and create! no matter what it is or how you choose to express yourself, just don't be afraid to do it.
but if your a little afraid at least support those who create for a living- the local artists, musicians, performers.
this just might bring you a little bit of happy.
(the pictures above are graciously taken from the world wide web, i have to be honest, i have quite a large collection of photo/idea inspirations. so I cant give credit to whose work this is, but it is not mine,and I am simply borrowing and sharing it for
selfish purposes)
OH...one more thing. I am changing my blog name and url.... i promise you guys wont get left behind... just a little warning, sometime soon there will be a big blog reconstruction project. I was never really satisfied with the appleseed...now i simply have to find a name/style i will actually stick with. we shall see....